Security is an essential part of maintaining any network and is the primary focus for a network administrator. While most people think that the main focus of a network administrator is to ensure that users can access data and other resources needed to perform their job functions, they don’t realize the work and attention needed to make certain all data is secure.
When a system is hacked into, by someone who only does so to tamper, the loss caused to the company as a whole is immeasurable! Very important and classified information can be lost and leaked to other competitors and this could result in major fiscal and business centric and sensitive losses for the company. These are some of the reasons why hacker training and especially ethical hacking training is gaining so much importance these days. There are many modules within certified ethical hacker training that make the hacker capable of protecting a system from all forms of threats.
As we all get our lives online it's become easier for unscrupulous people like hackers and scammers' to access our private data from bank accounts to doctors records and other personal information one wants to keep private. And that's where home computer security comes in.
Today's hacker and scammer are far more sinister and devious. These people will do anything to get their grubby little mitts on your personal information, even hacking you're computer and leaving nasty bits of software called Trojan's which secretly take your personal usernames and passwords then send them "back home."
Staying safe online doesn't mean major changes in the way you surf the web. Instead using computer security software freely available will make you safe and deter these criminals from gaining access to your personal data.
Now, Network security is to secure both public and private computer networks, used every day to conduct transactions among businesses and individuals. Any business related to IT network system needs to make sure to establish a strong, secure network for their data and systems. There is an increasing need to secure your networks within organizations. To achieve network security, all requirements have to be met to use networks securely.
Organizations spend a large amount of their business on IT network security. It is necessary that networks themselves have the appropriate levels of security. An effective and valuable network security strategy requires identifying the threats and choosing most effective tools to struggle them. Email security management and Antivirus security are effective services in keeping a critical data and communications safe from intruders or attacks and other threats to security.
Everyday security threats are being modified and refined, as hackers new conduits such as instant messaging, peer-to-peer connections, and wireless networks to deliver their attacks. In my opinion, the biggest headache for small businesses is the misuse of the Internet by employees. If a user visits an inappropriate site, sends or receives inappropriate content, or worse, violates confidentiality and leaks client information or company secrets, legal liability action is sure to follow. End user education needs to be top priority for all network administrators.
All in all the best form of defense when online is to be alert and never do certain things. These include:
Opening spam emails and clicking on links. This can secretly install malicious software on your computer then dial home all your personal information. Many scammers and hackers pretend they are from banks or other institutions and claim they will close down your accounts if you do not click on the link and update your details. But remember, no bank or major organization will ever ask you to log in to update your details or ask you for passwords or usernames.
Being security conscious online will not only save you and your personal information but also slow or stop the spread of malicious software. That can only happen if you are alert when surfing the net and keeping up to date on software which is there to protect you and your computer. PC internet security couldn't be more important these days, never go online without it.
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