Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Penetration Testing, Server Security, Network Security, Hacker Safe

Get Reliable Hack Guard Certification from Techrate.com with online network security, Server Security, Penetration Testing & hacker safe seal. Visit for more information at http://www.techrate.com

in reference to:- Hacker Safe Seal on Techrate.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Penetration Testing Procedures Launched at Techrate.com

Techrate.com has been serving a large pool of satisfied customers with hacker safe security seal and certification and is now into offering Penetration Testing procedures regarded as one of the reliable techniques to detect security threats by thinking in the way the hacker does to bring about rightful threat removal measures.

Techrate.com, the hacker safeguard providing with the security seal for online businesses world wide now launches penetration testing strategies that help detect both known and unknown vulnerabilities. Meeting up with security standards Techrate launches penetration testing as the most comprehensive and thorough test of Internet-facing systems. By means of this technique that performs ethical hacking to willingly inject malicious codes in order to see the result of it, of whether the website is vulnerable to it or fight back against it and in turn disabling the codes to penetrate inside to harm the integrity of the website. Penetration testing checks for systems for any weakness or disclosure of information, which could be used by an attacker to compromise the confidentiality, availability or integrity of your network.

It is the ethical hacking that takes place to gain control over both known and unknown vulnerabilities. When it’s harming the integrity of a website with access and hacking of the network, system data which in turn affects the overall functionality of the website it is we who guarantee a sustainable security over the overall system performance through penetration testing. This is a more comprehensive, cognitive approach to testing the security of the website. Says Andy Anand of Techrate.com.

As part of the penetration testing procedure Techrate’s expert team of professionals undertake automated and manual discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities and validate compromised system with "tag" or copy of retrieved data. The willful hacking procedure when done successfully brings out possible holes in the security wall that gets rectified then and there through constant reporting and analysis. There could be a possible network security breach and penetration testing at Techrate.com, can detect it, to eventually get rid of it. Techrate, therefore, is a more reliable source for hacker safe security and can be reached at http://www.techrate.com.

Techrate.com, the online security safeguard provider, offers penetration testing as one of the proven techniques today to treat a website to fight against hacking which is a threat to any online business transaction and practices taking place in today extremely vulnerable web environment.

Server Security- Understanding the Reasons with Possible Error Rectifying Measures

A useful resource that assures server security achieved to its optimum with reasons that make server security more vulnerable. It is totally on the webmasters part whether to choose to invest little bit on the server security measures or to take pains in error resolutions that demand days and days of hardships in making the live web server free from hackers.

Server security has become vulnerable to the threats in the web environment. Hackers are on the lookout for the web server security breach to enter malicious software that gets installed automatically. It is important to look into the server security issues and provide solutions for optimum server security as it is the backbone of a website and making server security less vulnerable which is our prime responsibility only if we want to flourish without fail in the World Wide Web. There is a need to take heed of the possibilities of a hacking process that poses danger on the server security.

Web applications developed to ease of development and testing procedures offer privileges with no such restrictions and such privileges done on live production server poses a great threat for mischievous users to access it and hack it instantly and harm the server security. Similarly, the privileges on the file and network services by means of the service software can induce a malicious user to access sensitive areas like the website and its database, the web application files, backend data etc, and create a server security breach issue. It is therefore wise on the part of the web master to provide least privileges for utmost server security.

User accounts can also keep certain server security holes as open access for hackers to barge in to pose a threat over the server security. The default user accounts when not in use should be deactivated or other wise it can pose a threat over server security. The names for the administrative accounts should be changed and not to be given to other users so as to guarantee complete server security. Correct authentication and privileges solves half of the problem and server security is guaranteed.

There is the need to get specialized in current security trends on the Internet; gaining experience to enable us to identify potential threats that might bring down your Internet hosts. There are full security auditing services offered for all UNIX-like operating systems (such as Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris etc.) and for all other Internet services. The security auditing should include within itself 24/7 live support, scanners for threat identification and terminating server security threats and errors from its root, periodical check, performance optimization and systematic troubleshooting tactics in case of grievous error occurrences. The scanners installed in the system should scan the web applications and perform advanced server security checks against the open ports and network services as well. The next best thing is also to check which ports are open or not by accessing your ISP Configuration Portscanner and can open only the ports you need for your services.

The expert team performing server security checks should have the ability to customize audits by controlling access to remote systems, comprehensive reporting facilities must be catered in order to ascertain open IP ports and network weaknesses, behavior of port scans, flexibility to schedule audits, give suggestions on newer server security measures implemented for ultimate server security. What more? Many websites offer security seals that perform standard and advanced audits to ensure proper server security making it less hacking prone.

Techrate.com, brings forth the reasons that make server security vulnerable and what to do to avoid such occurrences to happen that save you for hard days to arrive later in order to make server security hacker safe.

Visit for more information at http://www.techrate.com

Penetration Testing on a Website - It Detects both Known and Unknown Vulnerabilities

It is paramount to know and assess the threats that destroy the integrity of a website running on live server. At this point of time security of the web server, network and data is the next important thing to concentrate upon. Penetration testing can help in understanding the very root of the security threat to emerge with solutions that can work in making a website secure.

It is known as Ethical Hacking, the act of being active in planning attacks over the website’s security and networking. It is the Penetration Testing that is referred to here in this article. Both known and unknown vulnerabilities that harms the overall integrity of a website and the system, its network, data is pointed out when a penetration testing is carried out in order out arrive at a just conclusion to solve the problem. Every now and then security threats haunts web masters and a security breach is often what take place if proper measures are put into action. The security threats may arise, due to a possible network security hole somewhere in the system, bad or inaccurate configuration or when automatic update option has been disabled. To ascertain the possible cause that might make hacker activity a child’s play for a particular website or server, it is essential to carry out willful hacking by means of penetration testing.

The hacker activity as part of the vulnerability assessment in a penetration testing procedure is to willingly enter malicious code and undertake hacking. The only difference between the ethical hacking in penetration testing and the one carried out by real hacker is that the hacking conducted as an essential component of the penetration testing, gives periodic reports of how a particular hacking activity is effecting the website and the server security that is then forwarded to the admin for proper remediation management.

The penetration testing procedure is a "Black Box Testing" that involves tests where the attackers have no knowledge of the network infrastructure. This gives them the opportunity to carry out hacking as would have been carried out by a real hacker and in this way other unknown vulnerabilities that are not quite obvious to take place but posing a serious threat over the network and on live servers is pointed out and a proper solution is brought into the forefront to make a website secure to its fullest. Penetration testing carries out automated and manual discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities, it validates compromised system with "tag" or copy of retrieved data conducted by certified staff.

Advantages of Penetration Testing:-

1) Penetration testing reveals possible network security holes.

2) More realistic risk assessment in the penetration testing procedure as it would have carried out by real hacker for better threat resolution.

3) Penetration testing brings about the formulation of a security strategy to analyze and identify threats, the cause and bring about a ready powerful solution to mitigate it.

4) Penetration testing prevents financial losses through loss of revenue and data due to the unethical processes.

5) A reliable penetration testing procedure that conducts risk audits to determine network operation and integrity.

6) Accurate and up-to-date known and unknown vulnerability assessments through penetration testing.

7) Preparation of disaster scenarios under the Black Box Testing and injecting malicious codes to analyze the cause and effect and assessing a prior attack scenario as well which in turn helps in error resolution and mitigating the possibility of a threat on the network.

Penetration testing should therefore be carried out whenever there is a change in the network infrastructure by highly experienced staff who will scrutinize internet connected systems for any weakness or disclosure of information, which could be used by an attacker to compromise the confidentiality, availability or integrity of your network.

Visit for more information at http://www.techrate.com

Penetration Testing - A Must for Website Security

Penetration testing involves the analysis of possible security threats and getting a solution for full server and network security.

Penetration testing is the active analysis of the system, its network and the entire website for both known and unknown vulnerabilities arising out of inaccurate system configurations, hardware or software defects, inactivity of automatic updates and other flaws while processing and actively evaluating your information security measures. It’s a form of testing by means of which a mock hacking activity takes place and malicious codes are entered by the tester in order to ascertain areas that are more susceptible to such attacks and those that are secure enough. A periodic report is prepared and forwarded to the admin along with full analysis report and technical solutions. The testing procedures therefore involve methods implemented as it would have been done by the potential hacker with active utilization of security vulnerabilities and accessing business losses that can take place in cases where security breach takes place.

User interfaces, network interfaces, APIs and in places where possible input values are entered becomes vulnerable especially when they have a poor design or are implemented incorrectly. Penetration testing is then conducted and inputs under possible threats are identified and interfaces are documented accordingly. Often error messages and unwanted dialog boxes appear that pose a probable threats that transfer information from the software to external sources for hacking to take place. In such a scenario it becomes a necessity to assess sources that make this possible and remove it from its root.

Penetration testing helps in the formulation of information security strategy that involves identifying vulnerabilities and measuring the possible impact and making possible error resolution plans that can be implemented along with budget assessments. It curbs organizational failures caused due to security breach. Disaster scenarios are also prepared that help in judging the effect that a possible hacking can make in the system and network security zone by the help of prior attacks that happened earlier if any or willingly injecting some of the malicious codes to the system, analyzing the effects, creating the scenario and finding solutions to come out of the server or network security threat.

Penetration testing procedures prevents financial losses through lost revenue and data due to unethical processes such as hacking penetration testing help in building good relationship with the clients by regular assessment for vulnerable threats on their website, server and network security as any possible hacking might prove dangerous and may result in losing business, payment of heavy fines, bad online reputation leading to gradual closing. Penetration testing is something that needs to be conducted quite often to secure a website and enabling smooth function so as to generate profits and utmost customer satisfaction.

Visit for more information at http://www.techrate.com

Hacker Safe Guard Certification and The Security Seal - A Necessity for Websites Today

Penetration Testing, Server Security, Network Security, Hacker Safe Hacker safe guard certification and the security seal is a pre-requisite for websites today to protect them for hackers. Essential security vulnerability assessments and penetration testing are undertaken to guarantee safe browsing.

The growing fear among web masters today, are the growing security threats on their websites that are getting more vulnerable to Hackers. The constant need to have hacker safe guard certification with the world’s most recognized assurance of websites security is thereby increasing day by day. There are many things that are taken into consideration after a website gets build up and is managed to provide information and services to clients. The data it has is valuable and this poses the threat of hacking and identity thefts. To protect it from possible threats from hackers who may attack if your site stands vulnerable, there should be proper security penetration testing, network security certification and security vulnerability assessments based on which a particular hacker safe guard certification mark and the security seal is then attached to websites making it more secure and trustworthy in the services that are catered to clients and customers. The hacker safe guard certification mark appears on a website viewable by clients and visitors who can then rely on the site with utmost belief.

The assured hacker safe guard certification that is guaranteed to a site with the security seal, detects attacks such as SQL Injection by means of built-in intrusion detection system, does the security penetration testing, provides network security certification and protects web servers against the latest phishing schemes like cross-site scripting. The website with ensured comprehensive security, meets the highest published website security standards. Customers can then browse safely without hacker break-ins through known vulnerabilities. By means of security vulnerability assessments, security penetration testing, network security certification and periodic reporting, customers can carry out trouble free checkouts and transaction without the risk of websites security breach.

Another thing that stands paramount in this context is data security which is a must and should be managed within the framework with prescribed rules and regulation based on federal security standards. The hacker guard certification is a safe guard for the website keeping information and data away from the reach of Hackers. By means of daily security checks data remains under reliable security without getting into the hands of the hackers. Periodic report sending takes place and information are sent to merchants in case something is left undone. What more a webmaster needs, if the website that is owned, has “Hack Guard Safe Surf Website” mark with Hacker Safe Guard Certification with the websites security seal. The website owners can then utilize data-mining tools to keep an eye on the effects of the Hacker safe guard and the security seal on the e-business with proper sales analysis and graphical reporting.

To conclude off it will be good to mention the aim of having this hacker safe guard certification and the security seal on websites. The aim lies in building user’s trust and confidence in the internet by promoting the use of fair information practices. The trust security seals on websites guarantees websites security, increases website credibility and improve sales considerably. The hacker safe guard certification mark and the seal that is embedded on a website, makes way for safe transactions online with the sign that the website has undergone security vulnerability assessments, security penetration testing, has network security certification and is checked by a third party that is providing the hacker safe guard certification and security seal for more confident and reliable purchase proceedings and online transactions.

Techrate.com, provide information about the necessity to have hacker safe guard certification with the security seal for websites to save it from Hackers through full security vulnerability assessments, security penetration testing, and network security certification to ensure safe browsing.

For more information visit at http://www.techrate.com